Law Offices of Robert B. Hakim, Logo
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(866) 551-4194
2346 Westwood Blvd. Suite 2
Los Angeles, CA 90064

California Traffic Ticket and DUI Attorney / Lawyer Defends All Traffic Tickets or Traffic Violations Including Speeding Tickets, Radar Tickets, Red Light Camera Tickets, License Suspensions, Warrants, DUI, DWI, Drunk Driving, Failure To Appear (FTA), DMV Hearings For Commercial And Non-Commercial Drivers.

Helpful Links

Robert B. Hakim

California Trucking Association

California Vehicle Code

Common Vehicle Code Violations

National Motorists Association (NMA)
Founded in 1982 to represent and protect the interests of North American motorists.

Los Angeles Superior Courts Traffic General Information

California DMV DUI/DWI Site
Understand how a DUI or DWI will affect your driving privileges in California.

California DMV Driver's License & Photo ID Site
Obtain a Driver's license and photo ID.

California DMV Driving Record